How best to use The Daf Map?

Started by EdiTorah, Mar 14, 2023, 02:28 PM

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On several occasions I have had the opportunity to talk with people about what I'm doing with The Daf Map. When I show the material or talk about it, I get a variety of responses.

Is this for someone looking at the Daf for the first time (after understanding the system)? Is this for review? I have Artscroll, why do I need this? When Artscroll wasn't around, I could understand why this would be good to have.

I would like Rabbi Berger (or someone else) to please explain how best to use the system, in today's world where there's Artscroll and many other resources available.

I know of at least one Rabbi who continues to use the system today and made an Amud Yomi Siyum (that's over a period of 15 years). (You can see the video of the siyum, here on YouTube.)

I feel that having a discussion would help so many people understand "The Daf Map" system.